.serialize() JQ Home  <<  Ajax  <<  .serialize()

Form element string encryption.


The .serialize() Ajax method, allows us to encode a set of form elements as a string ready for submission.

  • The .serialize() method returns a text string in standard URL-encoded notation and operates on a jQuery object representing a set of form elements.
  • The .serialize() method can act on a jQuery object that has form elements of several types if required, although it is generally easier to select the <form> element.
  • Only 'successful controls' are serialized to the returned string as outlined in the  W3C Proposals.


Signature Description
.serialize()Encode a set of form elements as a string ready for submission.




A String object.

.serialize() Example Ajax  <<  Top

Encode a set of form elements as a string ready for submission.

In the example below when we press the 'Submit' button the we serialize the 'successful controls' from the form below into a query string. For the example we output a message but the resultant string could just as easily be sent to a server as part of an Ajax request. Change some values in the form and press the 'Submit' button to see the varying results.

  $('#form1').submit(function() {
    $('#div1').append($(this).serialize() + '<br>');
    return false;

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div1. Some initial text.

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