jQuery Basics Quiz JavaScript & jQuery Quizzes Home  <<   jQuery Basics Quiz

The questions in this first quiz on jQuery are on the topics covered in the jQuery Basics section of the site. The table below lists the lessons, a description of the lesson content and the the quiz question number range.

Lesson Summary

Click on a lesson in the table to go to that lesson for a refresher on the topics for that lesson.

jQuery Basics Lessons Description Question Range
Lesson 1 - Getting StartedIn our first lesson on jQuery we briefly discuss the library and download the latest version of the jQuery API.1 - 3
Lesson 2 - Core and InternalsIn our second lesson on the jQuery library we look at the Core and Internals methods and properties.4 - 6
Lesson 3 - CSS SelectorsIn this lesson we look at the CSS Selectors and how we use them with jQuery.7 - 9
Lesson 4 - jQuery SelectorsFor this lesson we look at the jQuery Selectors and how we use them within jQuery.10 - 12
Lesson 5 - DOM Element MethodsIn this lesson we look at the four DOM element methods and how we use them within jQuery.13 - 15
Lesson 6 - Tree TraversalIn this lesson we look at the tree traversal methods and how we use them within jQuery.16 - 18
Lesson 7 - Other TraversalIn this lesson we look at the non-hierarchial traversal methods and how we use them within jQuery.19 - 21
Lesson 8 - Working With CSS ClassesIn this lesson we look at the four class attribute methods and how we use them within jQuery.22 - 24
Lesson 9 - Working With CSS AttributesIn this lesson we learn how we can work with CSS attributes using jQuery as well as investigating a couple of general use jQuery CSS methods.25 - 27
Lesson 10 - Working With General CSS PropertiesThere are lots of jQuery methods available for working with CSS properties, in this lesson we look at general property methods.28 - 30
Lesson 11 - Working With Dimension & Position CSS PropertiesIn this lesson we look at how jQuery allows us to get and set box model dimensions and position the screen.31 - 33

jQuery Quiz

The quiz below tests your knowledge of the material learnt in the jQuery Basics section of the site.

Question 1 : Where do we place the import and code for jQuery?
- We can place the import and code for jQuery in either the <code>head</code> or <code>body</code> HTML tag.
Question 2 : What is the following code example a shorthand version of?
- This code is a shorthand version of the <code>.ready()</code> function.
Question 3 : When is the .ready() function fired?
- The <code>.ready()</code> is fired after the document is fully parsed and converted into the DOM tree.
Question 4 : What jQuery method do we use to select a group of elements to wrap?
- We use the <code>jQuery()</code> method to select a group of elements to wrap.
Question 5 : The jQuery library makes exclusive use of the $ symbol as a global identifier and so cannot be used in conjunction with other JavaScript libraries that also use the $ symbol as a global identifier, such as Prototype?
-The <code>jQuery.noConflict()</code> method allows us to free up the jQuery library control of the <code>$</code> variable and optionally the jQuery namespace as well, so there is no problem using other libraries in conjunction with jQuery.
Question 6 : What jQuery method do we use to allows provision to execute callback functions, on Deferred or plain JavaScript objects, based on one or more objects representing asynchronous events?
- We use the <code>jQuery.when()</code> method to execute callback functions, on Deferred or plain JavaScript objects, based on one or more objects representing asynchronous events.
Question 7 : jQuery allows selection of elements using CSS1/2 selectors but not CSS3 selectors as these don't work in all browsers?
- jQuery allows selection of elements using CSS1/2 and CSS3 selectors regardless of browser version.
Question 8 : Is the following code valid?
$("input[name]:enabled").css('backgroundColor', 'yellow').val("enter input");
- It's prefectly valid to use more than one jQuery method in a row and is known as 'method chaining'.
Question 9 : What will the following code select?
$('h3 a[href^="c"]');
- <code>$('h3 a[href^="c"]');</code> - Selects all 'h3' elements that have a 'href' attribute that starts with "c".
Question 10 : Are there any disadvantages to using jQuery selectors?
- Being jQuery extensions, the jQuery selectors are not part of any current CSS specification and thus cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM <code>querySelectorAll()</code> method.
Question 11 : jQuery Form selectors allow us to select and manipulate parts of forms that we wouldn't be able to using CSS selectors instead?
- For the majority of jQuery form selectors we can use valid CSS alternatives so the statement is not true.
Question 12 : What are index positional selectors based on?
- Index positional selectors are based on an index starting from 0.
Question 13 : Which of the DOM Element Methods has beed deprecated?
- The <code>.size()</code> has been deprecated. Use the <code>.length</code> property instead, which does the same thing, without the overhead of a function call.
Question 14 : What will the variable $a hold after the following code is run?
var $a = $('.testtable tr').get();
- The <code>.get()</code> method will retrieve all elements matching the selector specified, so in this case all 'tr' elements within the table with a class of 'testtable'.
Question 15 : Can we chain JavaScript methods onto jQuery methods?
- Yes it is perfectly acceptable for example to do the following chaining: <code>alert($('p').toArray().reverse());</code>.
Question 16 : Which jQuery method do we use to retrieve all ancestors of each element within the matched set?
- We use the <code>.parents()</code> method to retrieve all ancestors of each element within the matched set.
Question 17 : What does the .find() jQuery method do?
- We use the <code>.find()</code> jQuery method for descendant element retrieval of each element in the current matched set.
Question 18 : There are no jQuery methods for traversing down the DOM tree?
- There are two jQuery methods for traversing down the DOM tree.
Question 19 : What happens to the jQuery stack when we chain traversal methods?
- The matched set returned from the newest traversal method is 'pushed' onto the stack, above the previous matched set.
Question 20 : Which deprecated jQuery method did .addBack() replace?
- The <code>.addBack()</code> jQuery method replaced the deprecated <code>.andSelf()</code> jQuery method.
Question 21 : Which jQuery method will end the most recent filtering operation in the current execution chain and return the matched set of elements to its previous state ( prior to the most recent filter being applied ) ?
- The <code>.end()</code> jQuery method will end the most recent filtering operation in the current execution chain and return the matched set of elements to its previous state.
Question 22 : When adding classes to an element using the .addClass() jQuery method, the last class added for that element will be the one used for styling when a conflict arises?
- The order in which classes are added to an element is immaterial as CSS always applies styles top-down, so the last style in the CSS styles list and not in the 'class' attribute wins if a conflict arises.
Question 23 : When using the .removeClass() jQuery method without any parameters what happens?
- Using the <code>.removeClass()</code> jQuery method without any parameters removes all classes of each element in the matched set.
Question 24 : We can use the current object and the .hasClass() jQuery method as an expression in a conditional operator?
- Yes we can use the current object (<code>this</code>) and the <code>.hasClass()</code> jQuery method as an expression in a conditional operator, for example - <code>if ($(this).hasClass('someClass')) {...};</code>
Question 25 : When using the .attr() jQuery method to retrieve the value of an attribute what is returned when an attribute has not been set?
- The <code>.attr()</code> jQuery method returns <code>undefined</code> when an attribute has not been set.
Question 26 : We can use the .attr() jQuery method on any object?
- The <code>.attr()</code> jQuery method should not be used on plain objects, arrays, the document or window.
Question 27 : Which jQuery method is best used for getting and setting the dynamic state of a DOM element's values?
- The <code>.val()</code> jQuery method is best used for getting and setting the dynamic state of a DOM element's values.
Question 28 : Which jQuery method is best used for getting and setting the dynamic state of a DOM element's values that are disabled or checked?
- The <code>.prop()</code> jQuery method is best used for getting and setting the dynamic state of a DOM element's values that are <code>disabled</code> or <code>checked</code>.
Question 29 : We can use the .css() method to retrieve or set the values of all CSS properties?
- We cannot use the <code>.css()</code> jQuery method on shorthand CSS properties such as <code>background</code> and <code>border</code>.
Question 30 : What value is returned from the .removeprop() jQuery method when a property has not been or cannot be removed?
- The <code>.removeprop()</code> jQuery method returns <code>undefined</code> when a property has not been or cannot be removed.
Question 31 : What does .position() jQuery method signature do?
- The <code>.position()</code> jQuery method signature retrieves the current coordinates from the first element within the matched set, relative to the offset parent.
Question 32 : Which jQuery method signature retrieves the currently computed CSS height of the first element within the matched set including padding, but not border or margin?
- The <code>.innerHeight()</code> jQuery method signature retrieves the currently computed CSS height of the first element within the matched set including padding, but not border or margin.
Question 33 : What does .offset() jQuery method signature do?
- The <code>.offset()</code> jQuery method signature retrieves the current coordinates from the first element within the matched set, relative to the offset parent.
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What's Next?

In the next quiz we test our knowledge of the topics covered in the jQuery Intermediate section of the site .