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Merge two arrays.


The jQuery.merge() jQuery General utility method, merges two arrays into the first specified array.

Shorthand version $.merge()

  • Prior to version 1.4 of jQuery, the jQuery.merge() jQuery General utility method will only work on Array objects.
  • In versions of jQuery prior to 1.4, array-like objects (objects containing a length property with a value), can be converted to arrays using the jQuery.makeArray() jQuery General utility method, before using this method.
  • The jQuery.merge() jQuery General utility method is destructive in the fact that it alters the first parameter, by appending the items from the second parameter. Using an empty array as the first argument will effectively clone the second array to the empty array.


Signature Description
jQuery.merge( first, second )Merge two arrays into the first specified array.


Parameter Description Type
firstThe first array to append the elements of the second array to.Array
secondThe second array to merge into the first array.Array


An Array object.

jQuery.merge( first, second ) Example Utilities  <<  Top

Merge two arrays into the first specified array.

In the example below when we press the button the first time we create an an object and then flatten it to an array using the jQuery.merge() jQuery General utility method. An interesting thing to note is how we lose the original skills key in the flattening. You can use the jQuery.extend() method for these situations.

  $('#btn20').one('click', function(){
    var arr0 = [7, 4, 3, 1, 5];
    var arr1 = [5, 1, 3, 4, 7];
    $.merge( arr0, arr1 );
    $('#div16').append('First array values: ' + JSON.stringify(arr0) + '<br>');
    $('#div16').append('Second array is unchanged: ' + JSON.stringify(arr1));

div16. Some initial text.

Press the button below to action the above code:

Related Tutorials

jQuery Intermediate Tutorials - Lesson 9 - jQuery General Utilities