.fadeOut() JQ Home  <<  Effects  <<  .fadeOut()

Fading out elements.


The .fadeOut() method is used to hide the matched set by fading it to transparent.


Signature Description
.fadeOut( [duration] [, easing] [, callback] )Hide the matched set by fading it to transparent optionally providing a duration, and/or an easing and/or a callback function.


Parameter Description Type
durationA string or number determining the time the animation will run for.
default: 400
  • Durations are given in milliseconds and the higher the value, the slower the animation.
  • The string 'slow' can be used which equates to 600 milliseconds.
  • The string 'fast' can be used which equates to 200 milliseconds.
String or
easingSpecify the speed at which the animation progresses at different points within the animation.
default: swing
  • The string 'swing' which is the default and causes the animation to animate faster at the beginning/end and slower in the middle.
  • The string 'linear' which causes the animation to progress at a constant pace.
callbackA function that fires once the animation is complete.
  • The callback is fired in the context of the current element in the set being animated, so the keyword this refers to that element.
  • The callback is fired once for each element in the matched set and can be used to string different animations together in sequence.


A jQuery object.

.fadeOut( [duration] [, easing] [, callback] ) Example  Effects  <<  Top

Hide the matched set by fading it to transparent, optionally providing a duration and/or an easing and/or a callback function.

  • When used in its basic form with no parameters or incorrect parameters the .fadeOut() method defaults to fading out the element(s) with a duration of 400 milliseconds which is the default.

In the example below when the first button is pressed we fade out the first image and it defaults to a fade out duration of 400 milliseconds.

When the second button is pressed we use 'swing' easing to animate the picture as we fade it out.

When the third button is pressed we use a callback to alert when the image is faded out.

When the fourth button is pressed we use a duration, easing and a callback to alert when the images are faded out.

a picture of curry a picture of pie a picture of pie a picture of pie a picture of pie a picture of pie

  $('#btn5').on('click', function() {

  $('#btn6').on('click', function() {

  $('#btn7').on('click', function() {
    $('#pie5').fadeOut(function() {
      alert('Animation finished.');

  $('#btn8').on('click', function() {
    $('.pie6').first().fadeOut('slow', 'swing', function() {
      // using 'callee' so we don't have to name the function
      $(this).next().fadeOut(1200, arguments.callee);

Press the buttons below to action the above code:


Related Tutorials

jQuery Intermediate Tutorials - Lesson 7 - Fading & Sliding Effects