localeCompare()  String  instance method JS Home  <<  JS Reference  <<  String  <<  localeCompare()


Returns a number dependant on the sort order of a string comparison.

  • -1 if calling string comes before compared string.
  • 0 if calling string same as compared string.
  • 1 if calling string comes after compared string.


Signature Description
aString.localeCompare(compareString)Returns a number dependant on the sort order of a string comparison.


Parameter Description
compareStringThe string to compare to.


The code below compares two strings.

// Create two string variables.
var aString = 'acc';
var bString = 'abc';

// Compare strings (bstring is first in sort order).

Press the button below to action the above code:

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JavaScript Basic Tutorials - Lesson 8 - Strings