match  String  instance method JS Home  <<  JS Reference  <<  String  <<  match


Return match(es) of a string and regular expression comparison.

  • The pattern to replace can be a string or a regular expresion.
  • For each match the pattern can be replaced by another string or the result of a called function.


Signature Description
aString.match(regexp)Return match(es) of a string and regular expression comparison.


Parameter Description
regexpA regular expression or RegExp object.
  • The object passed is implicitly converted to a RegExp object if it isn't already.
  • Returns same result as the regular expression regular expression RegExp.exec() method when no g flag is specified in the regular expression.
  • If g flag is specified in the regular expression and matches are found returns an Array of the matches.
  • If g flag is specified in the regular expression and NO matches are found returns null.


The code below replaces part of a string.

// Create a string variable and a regular expression.
var matchSentence = 'I like number 7, number 11 and of course number 13';
regex = new RegExp('\\d+', 'g');

// Match string with regexps.


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